We Pinoys (of legal drinking age, of course) love a good cocktail to enjoy by our yards or gardens during the summer season, or cozily tucked under a blanket during the rainy season. Whichever the season, the easiest (and most delicious!) drink to make is a highball, which is simply a mixture of an alcohol-based spirit and a non-alcoholic mixer, usually a carbonated beverage.

So if you’re looking for a delicious drink that goes well with both our seasons, you’ve come to the right place! What’s more, you get the chance to win a good-looking bar cart that’s all decked out! Johnnie Walker is giving away a fully loaded bar cart with P10,000 worth of their products to one lucky fan, and all you have to do is share your very own #JohnnieHighball photo on Instagram.
For a little bit of inspiration and to get your creative juices flowing, here’s a super easy Highball recipe using Johnnie Walker Black Label and a few things you probably already have in your pantry.

Johnnie & Lime
What You Need:
- 40ml Johnnie Walker Black Label
- 120ml Lemon Lime Soda
- Lime/lemon Wedge
1.) Fill glass with ice
2.) Pour 40ml of Johnnie Walker Black Label
3.) Top with 120ml of Lemon & Lime soda. Stir to mix
4.) Finish with a wedge of lime and enjoy!
Excited to join in on all the #JohnnieHighball fun? The Instagram contest will run until July 31, 2021 where ONE (1) WINNER will get a Johnnie Walker Highball bar cart & 10k worth of Johnnie Walker bottles; and FIVE (5) winners will win a set of Johnnie Walker Limited Edition 200th Anniversary bottles and Highball Kits!

The five winners will be chosen based on these categories:
- The Bartender’s Choice – The entry that shows a unique mix of flavors;
- Johnnie Walker’s Choice – The entry that showcases the Johnnie Walker bottle the best way;
- The Best #JohnnieHighball Name – The entry with the best #JohnnieHighball name;
- Discover MNL’s Choice – The most ‘gram-worthy entry; and
- Most Versatile Drink – The recipe that can be enjoyed no matter the occasion.

Don’t forget to carefully read and follow the mechanics and reminders below.
- Mix and make your own #JohnnieHighball and post your best photo on your Instagram feed or story (get an extra point if you feature the Johnnie Walker variant you used!)
- Name your drink incorporating “Johnnie” or “Johnnie Walker” (e.g., Johnnie & Lime or Green Tea Johnnie) – the name must not include foul or suggestive words
- Tag 3 friends with whom you’d like to enjoy your #JohnnieHighball on your post
- Use the hashtags #JohnnieHighball and #JohnnieWalkerxDiscoverMNL
Contest ends on July 31. See https://www.discovermnl.com.ph/giveaway-alert-whats-your-johnniehighball-mix-win-a-johnnie-walker-highball-bar-cart-and-10k-worth-of-bottles/ for the full giveaway information and T&Cs.
Important Reminders:
- No sipping and pouring shots allowed
- Profile must be in public mode
- Participant must be at least 18 years old and based in Metro Manila
- 1 post = 1 entry for the whole duration of the contest
- Multiple posts with different photos are allowed
- Check out the complete Terms & Conditions in the link in our bio
- You must be at least 18 years old to participate. Drink responsibly.
Cheers and Keep Walking.
How well do you know your alcohol? Check out the Drink IQ Quiz in the QR code below and see!

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