DON’T COMPARE. First things first, we are all different. Your progress is different from my progress and that’s okay. What you see on social media is just half of what’s really happening in someone’s life. Don’t feel left out or pressured to match what you see because they may just be posting good things about their lives sans the stress or loneliness that comes with it.
On the other hand, you see some people winning in life — use this as an inspiration instead of something to feel bad about. We all have our own timelines. Take it one day at a time and go through your own path, at your own pace. Sometimes, we get so caught up with achieving our goals, focusing on what we need to do tomorrow, that we don’t see the progress we’ve been making. Learn to pause, breathe and acknowledge every effort you made to be where you are now. Failure, disappointments, and lessons included. They’re all part of it! You won’t be able to celebrate and differentiate the good ones if you haven’t experienced the bad. So, cheers to the highs and lows of the life you’re creating.

HAVE SELF-REALITY CHECKS. At multiple points in our lives, we tend to feel like we’re falling behind. Sometimes, you’re just right on track, but it feels like you’re not because you keep comparing your Chapter 1 to someone else’s Chapter 10. We all have different paths and goals, it’s high time to focus on yourself and the journey you’re on. Don’t let negative thoughts and the pressure of society consume you. Be aware of your reality, what you want and what makes you happy. It’s okay to hustle on, but it’s also important to have slow and steady moments to just be. Being aware of where you are, and how far you’ve come to be here is as important as knowing the next steps of the life you wanna live.

PAUSE & BREATHE. If you happen to feel lost, take a step back, pause for a while and breathe. Even the busiest and most successful people need breaks. It helps sort out your thoughts and emotions and enables you to function better afterward. Go for a run, spend a day at your favorite coffee shop, eat your favorite snack, do something new and fun, and when you’ve gotten that breath of fresh air, change of scenery, and rush of endorphins, you’ll be rewarded with a clearer mind, more excitement and maybe a few new ideas to help you function better and reach those goals faster.

DOCUMENT YOUR PROGRESS. It’s easy to feel lost without an end in sight if you lose track of your progress and only see a never-ending task list. Having a gratitude list or a journal can help you stay on track and serve as a reminder of what you’ve accomplished to be where you are now. Every task, big or small, contributes to a bigger picture. A journal is a great reminder that whatever challenges you may face, you can overcome them. And even though you don’t have it all figured out just yet, all the things you’ve done contribute to your growth each day and that is still winning in life.

KEEP SHOWING UP. Keep going, and keep doing what you have to do. Dream, stay inspired, and go after the life you deserve. The most important thing is, you show up.
You’re on your way to the life you’ve always dreamed of, and soon enough, everything will eventually fall into place.
We’ll all get there. I’m cheering for you!
– Someone who once felt like she was falling behind in life
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