Be a Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Major in Medical Yoga Therapy with Medicale Yoga Institute


Be part of the first yoga therapy training for healthcare and medical professionals.

Medicale Yoga Institute understands and advocates yoga as one of the top therapeutic approach to holistic wellness. More than just holding teacher trainings, Medicale Yoga Institute continually works with fervor toward the end goal of making itself the leading yoga school in South East Asia to offer yoga programs in a medical standpoint.

These programs and their teacher graduates will be acknowledged as gold standard by leading health/wellness brands and institutions in the Philippines. Their first and upcoming November and January teacher training, the only one of its kind in the Philippines, will give light and emphasis on the role of yoga in health care addressing the bio-psychosocial needs of each individual – the foundation of holistic wellness.

The training requires the teacher trainees to be licensed healthcare and medical professionals; as they will be the ones who can objectively and professionally attend and cater to the needs of complex clients and patients.

Medical Yoga Institute’s advocacy is serving the underserved, and in this training, understanding injuries, therapies and the (many) different populations will be explained and given emphasis.

Join us on November 12-23 and January 7-18 for 200 hours of Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training.

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